Vota per LexyBlair
Vota per LexyBlair
Heeey to you all. My name is Lexy and do you have what it takes to seduce this big booty with no restraints? Really sexual and understanding but with a kinky aura that you can explore just with a click of a button and a smile. Looking over my shoulder in a sexy way and winking just so you can come closer will definitely be better than any goosebumps you ever had. You'll need more than a smile and a nice attitude to win me over but in the end you will see that every effort you displayed will be worth it. Just don't bore me with your experiences and tell me why should i let you inside when all the men i want just made a line behind you.
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Online: Im online from 22:00 to 06:00 (Romania Timezone)
Mi piace: I try to be a down to earth, seductive but a lot of people have taken me for granted so i said NO MORE..I like people that know what they want and when they want it. I love reading, going to places i never seen before and meeting people
Non mi piace: What i hate and do not accept: Don't be rude, begger or freeloader because i do not tolerate it.
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